

The magic

you don’t expect.

Tenuta Sei Ore is located in Gambara and is an ideal location for weddings, parties and corporate events. Nestled in the quiet countryside south of Brescia, almost on the border with the province of Cremona, it is a structure of historical and architectural value, consisting of vast indoor and outdoor spaces, connected by courtyards, colonnades and large green spaces. There is also a park with its own pond, a truly perfect place for the bride and groom’s photos and cake cutting, and even squires with beautiful horses. Tenuta Sei Ore offers large gardens, cool and welcoming porches even in summer, majestic rooms for birthday parties, graduation parties or corporate meetings, villas and rooms with bathrooms for rent for weddings, furnished in the original early 20th century style, with wrought-iron beds and restored closets. Discover its most magical corners with your own eyes.

All the charm of the present in the past.

An atmosphere far from the commonplace.



On the border

between tradition and nature.

Tenuta Sei Ore has a very ancient agricultural vocation, with archaeological finds of a rustic Roman villa testifying to the use of the site as early as the fourth century AD. As part of the territories entrusted by Charles IV to the Gambara counts in 1354, the estate remained in the hands of the powerful family until the early 19th century. The monumental avenue of centuries-old mulberry trees leading to the Tenuta Sei Ore is still a reminder of the intensive jasmine cultivation practiced until the mid-20th century. Although there are various legends about the name Sei Ore, including one that attributes its origin to the loss of the entire estate in 6 hours of card-playing, the place name does not derive from a temporal connotation but from San Jorio, that is, San Giorgio, changed in later transcriptions to Sà Jori, Santo Jori, San Jori, Saiori, to Seiore.



How to fulfill

your wishes.

Tenuta Sei Ore offers a different and enchanted dimension for small and large events, whether private: weddings, birthdays, graduations, parties, or business: meetings, team building, corporate events. Our services include suites for rent for weddings and parties, furnished with the simple and essential objects of the early 1900s.

Tenuta Sei Ore offers a different and enchanted dimension for small and large events, whether private: weddings, birthdays, graduations, parties, or business: meetings, team building, corporate events. Our services include suites for rent for weddings and parties, furnished with the simple and essential objects of the early 1900s.

We're On Instagram
🇮🇹 Circondata dalla campagna, la nostra #TenutaSeiOre ti aspetta per vivere i tuoi eventi in un mondo magico e speciale, dove storia e natura ti accolgono in perfetto equilibrio. Scopri il fascino di antiche sale, portici e giardini con un sopralluogo. 🐴

🇬🇧 Surrounded by the countryside, our #TenutaSeiOre awaits you to experience your events in a magical and special world where history and nature welcome you in perfect balance. Discover the charm of ancient halls, porches and gardens with an inspection. 🐴

📸 @claudiofontanaphoto 

#LocationMatrimonio #EventiBrescia #UniqueVenue #HistoricVenue #WeddinginItaly #RealWedding #DestinationWedding #Event #PrivateEvent #CorporateEvent
🇮🇹 Scopri una location incantata per il tuo matrimonio, vicino a Brescia e immersa nella campagna, la nostra #TenutaSeiOre è proprio il posto perfetto, fuori e dentro le sue antiche mura troverai tutta la magia che stavi cercando per il tuo giorno più importante. ✨

🇬🇧 Discover an enchanted location for your wedding, near Brescia and nestled in the countryside, our #TenutaSeiOre is just the perfect place, outside and inside its ancient walls you'll find all the magic you've been looking for your most important day. ✨

📸 @giada_passamonti_fotografia 

#WeddingBrescia #MatrimonioBrescia #LocationMatrimonio #EventiBrescia #LoveStory #WeddingDay #WeddingPhotography #TenutaSeiOre
🇮🇹 La nostra #TenutaSeiOre è una location magica dove puoi personalizzare ogni spazio secondo i tuoi desideri: sale storiche e imponenti, portici e giardini, il parco con il suo laghetto, organizza il tuo evento tra storia e natura. 🌿

🇬🇧 Our #TenutaSeiOre is a magical location where you can customize each space according to your wishes: historic and imposing halls, porches and gardens, the park with its pond, plan your event between history and nature. 🌿

#WeddingBrescia #MatrimonioBrescia #LocationMatrimonio #EventiBrescia #UniqueVenue #ChicEventPlace #HistoricVenue #RomanticSetting #Event

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